Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Been a While

English: Screen of Mumble Français : Capture d...
English: Screen of Mumble Français : Capture d'écran de Mumble (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It's been a long time since my last post here.  I kind of lost my motivation to keep this up after just a few posts.  I just didn't find writing playthroughs and reviews of other peoples MUDs interesting enough to keep me going.  I would much rather be working on my own MUD. So, to that end, I have started Valerion.  I set up and Amazon EC2 instance, and installed one of my favourite MUD codebases, coffeemud. I am just getting started and there is not much to it yet, but I am having fun so far. I only have about 400 rooms at the moment, but I am adding more just about every day.

I have also set up a Mumble server for Valerion. Something I learned from my time spent with my all time favorite game, EVE Online, was how much I enjoy chatting with my fellow players on voice comms, and I wanted to bring that type of experience to Valerion. This also gives me a chance to try some things like running live roleplaying events over Mumble; running them much like a tabletop rpg session.  I might try to find a game to join on, so I can get some experience on how people run tabletop RPGs online.  I can also watch some twitch streams of D&D games as well.

I am still waiting Valerion's listing to be approved on The MUD Connector, but I am in no huge rush at this point.  While I am waiting, I can take this opportunity to continue to improve and expand upon the MUD. I will also continue to read and do exercises out of programming books to work on my coding skills. I am not sure what the future of this blog is going to be.  I will probably continue to post here occasionally, as the mood strikes me. Both this blog, and Valerion are casual projects at this point, and if I find myself getting burnt out on either one, I will just take a break, and go play EVE for a while, until inspiration strikes me again.

I really would like to have a partner in running this MUD, to bounce ideas off of, and help keep me motivated, but I don't expect any help to magically materialize.  Help is hard to come by, when anyone could just as easily go start their own MUD, especially with the availability of cheap VPS, and the ease of getting started with a codebase like coffeemud. So off I go on my own.


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